Painting up a storm: 18mm AB Bavarians
So lance and I have been recording a few general d Amree battle reports using our 10mm building, roads, flat terrain (like forests and fields) and our GDA counter sets and trackers.
We are getting set for the next big game which will be an 1809 scenario featuring Austrians and Bavarians….but how are those Bavarians going mike?
I picked up a nice bunch of AB figures Bavarian Infantry and guns from Nick @ eureka miniatures the other day and as is my want I started to paint not a battalion, but the whole 156 figures, all at once. So maybe that was biting off more than I can chew, but I’ve been persistent ad they are just about done. That’s 11 Battalions (12 figures each) plus 5 guns, officers and skirmishers.
Just making a note here so I can capture the paint colours.
Technique is to start with a solid Black spray, then a liberal dry brush with Vallejo silver grey (or any whiteish colour). Then get at it…one colour all the way through. I generally mount them on icey pole sticks with hot glue (6 per stick) grouping them by pose. Then work down the stick one part of each colour at a time. Ie: blue coat…right arm…all six figures, left arm all six, back of back pack all six, tails etc. Then move onto the next strip. Then the next colour once all the strips are done.