New releases April & May- Row House, Maori War Canoe and Sharpes practice game aid
Hey Everyone,
We are back, and we have some new releases for you. New products can be found here.
First up we have the 28mm Row House. This is our first piece designed to have interchangeable walls, with the front and back walls being removable. The walls being removable allows for easy miniature placement on the first or second floor. The kit comes with two sets of walls, damaged and undamaged.
Next there is the Maori war canoe. This model was designed by Mike and Ara for a set of rules called "Tribal" set during the Maori Wars.
Lastly there is a game aid for a set of rules called Sharpes practice (V2). The game aid tracks the bonus flags for each side as well as the morale. Kit comes with options to use Flag cards or Flag chits.